Thursday, October 15, 2009

Volleyball...need I say more?

Choosing Teams

Team Awesome

Just some team...kidding.

The heat of can even see Ben heckling in the picture.

The Kids

While the parents were playing a perpetual game of Volleyball the kids made their own fun.

Pancake Breakfast

On the second day of the reunion we started off with a big breakfast BBQ. Little did we know how much we would need the big breakfast once we got to Grandmother's and she put us all to work!
But not before we had our favorite songs game...that rocked!
One more shout-out to Mom, Amy and Keith for taking all the little ones up on a hike so we could work for Grandmother.

Izze is the only one I took a picture of eating...or stealing someone's cream that is.

Who ME??!!

Jason & Chelsea

...and again.

You lookin' at ME?!

Did someone just call 911?--3 times acutally

Tough girl



That'll kill your breakfast apitite.
Blue Steel

Damien and Jason waiting for breakfast.

Casey's Face of Many Colors

Ashley Could NOT Get Her Face Away From The Camera

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Family Reunion '09

We started the reunion Sunday afternoon with an inspirational message given by Casey. Then we all proceeded to the back yard for a good old fashioned weenie roast!

No pictures please...but you can have my chip.
Ma-cho Ma-cho Man what you want to do is center the weenie over the probe...
Talk to the hand.
Is that number 6?

Cheerful Roaster
Anybody need more chairs?
Think Tank
Ice Creeeeeeeam!
When you gotta go you gotta go.
Hot Buns
How can they eat thoes weenies when they're so close together?

Are you kidding me?!

Look at these cute girls eating their weenies.

I just put this one on because...if I'm not mistaken...Kris' scalp is gleaming.