Thursday, March 24, 2011

Results and Round #2

I am so happ that so many people participated in this little game! Here are the answers and results for round #1

Black or White --AMY (that was a tricky one)
Total Eclipse of The Heart--RHI (Ryan and Ashley got it and Rhi would have but you can't give 2 answers. I may not have specified that in the rules but I like to add rules in the middle of the game.)
Centerfold--Kris (no one got that one, but I think he fits right in with the girls in bras and half slips)
SOS--Gabi (It seemed that everyone had the same idea. Right family, wriong girl)
Who Can It Be Now --Lisa (Jacob got this one)

It seems as though we have a 3 way tie. Ashley, Ryan and Jacob all have's still anyone's game!

Here's Round #2

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