Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sibling Gift Exchange

Sadly we had to cancel the sibling dinner.
We are doing it for sure next year so have your swim meet schedule at the ready so we can work around it Casey and Ashley!!!
And we'll start it earlier and get one big group to babysit our kids.
But for now here are the names:

Jason & Chelsea have Ryan & Rhi
Angi & Randall have Kris & Marni
Kris & Marni have Randall & Angi
Ryan & Rhi have Jason & Chelsea
Ashley & Ben have Casey & Alex
Casey & Alex have Jacob
Jacob has Ben & Ashley

Matt and Lisa will not be able to be there and neither will Amy.

So I'm thinking that we can put something together for them on Sunday the 16th at Mom's
Matt and Lisa can only receive post cards so we can write some post cards for them.
And I was thinking about putting together a little box of surprises to send to Keith and Amy.
If you want to bring something small to put in the box that would be some candy, or Christmas-ish things.  Then we can send it in time for it to arrive by Christmas.

Thanks everyone.

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